Kangtine held a successful badminton match

On the afternoon of November 11th, the group held a badminton match at the Business Club Gymnasium. More than 50 players from the Group's management, the subsidiaries and Tsingtao beer staff participated in the competition.

In the tense and orderly competition, the players are full of enthusiastic, energy, helping each other, tenacious struggle, and it fully embodies the unity and harmony of Kangtine people, their constantly going beyond, striving forfirst-class fighting spirit and team awareness. After fierce competition, thefirst, second, and third rankings were selected, the Group's executive vice president Zhang Daijun awarded the prize for the award-winning players, thegame was a complete success.

Attached: Competition scene and awards photo

1. The opening ceremony of the competition and announces the rules of the competition;

2、        比赛现场(一);

3. Competition site

4. Competition site

5. Competition site

6. Executive vice president Zhang Daijun awards and photo